We are different than most Geothermal design companies, we do not own an installation company. We provide you the best economical energy saving solution. With our proven design plans and knowledge you can move forward to do it yourself, all or in part, and/or contact several geothermal installers, this approach allows you to get the best price. We do have a list of geothermal installers you can call if you wish.

For a free consultation to see what type of geothermal system best fits your needs please contact us.

Retro Fitting is thinking





The Swimming Pool application is one of our Hybrid Geothermal solutions and having several split systems is no problem. By utilizing the geothermal heat exchange between the swimming pool and the waters changing temperature we can solve the high energy consumption that exist with air cooled HVAC systems.

If you already have a Solar application installed in the pool, you can integrate this technology with our evaporative fluid tower. Creating a super high efficient HVAC system.

A Retro Fit is a solution and the unique design is compatible with most all standard air handlers with evaporator coils.

Since the temperatures above ground change a lot from day to day and season to season, temperatures in the upper 10 feet of the Earth's surface hold nearly constant between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. For most areas, this means that soil temperatures are usually warmer than the air in winter and cooler than the air in summer. With this being true, what is also in contact with the earth shall be considered Geothermal Sources. Most rivers, lakes, ponds, and swimming pools relevant to regional location has its own Geothermal Energy.

A retro fit is taking what you now have in place and enhancing it to gain the highest performance possible. In this case we are talking about the heating and air conditioning system. Retro fitting your existing HVAC systems is, in most cases, the best economical decision to make. This can be achieved by analyzing what you now have, review the options available, and design a solution.

Retro Fit Solutions

If you have one of these already in place you are very fortunate and can take advantage of it by having one of the best HVAC energy efficient systems. For new construction or Retro Fitting, remember we can sub cool the refrigerant utilizing one of our several applications. Extend seasons swimming pleasure.

Swimming Pool Hybrid Geothermal Application

Need Help?           Call :


(512) 704-8200

(229) 638-2889







